For the last few days, Drake was telling everyone he had a big secret to spill and would let everyone know on Halloween. The only clues that he gave was he’d be dressing as a bro-country star and that the secret had been building up for years and he finally had to let it out.

The big secret was that he actually almost was a bro-country star himself!
Yes, you heard that correctly, Adam Drake was once in FGT (Florida Georgia Texas) and claims once he was kicked out, they stole his song! “Cruise” wasn’t the only song he claims they stole from him though.
So, there you have it. The reason Adam Drake has such a dislike of bro-country is because he missed out on his chance of stardom because he allegedly got kicked out of Florida Georgia Line.
Drake’s not the only Morning Maverick dressed up for Halloween, how about Mel as Shania Twain!

Mel also got to do a little “Man Of Mine” karaoke this morning. That song was the basis for her outfit, so it was only fitting.
Well the Morning Mavericks are sure having a great Halloween so far! Hope you’re ready for more tricks and treats with whatever you’ve got planned for All Hallow’s Eve!