Walker Hayes Fights a Daily Battle with Sobriety

WALKER HAYES talked to Taste of Country about his battle with the bottle.  He’s been sober for two years, and along the way he’s figured out a few replacements for drinking.  Two of them are reading and songwriting.

Another one is fitness.  He says, quote, “I’m in the gym constantly.  I may not be doing it right, but I love to get on an elliptical and put the kids on Face-Time in front of me and just get after it.

“They don’t even have to talk to me.  They just put the phone on and put it in the living room and one will walk by and be like, ‘Hey!'”

Unfortunately, there’s one thing he can’t control.  Quote, “I have nightmares sometimes that somebody switches a drink and I accidentally drink and I’m furious about it and I wake up and realize that I didn’t screw up and go backwards.

“It’s a daily battle and it seems that no matter what I substitute for it, the reason I drink is still there.”