Selfies = Psycho?

A study was conducted at The Ohio State University that shows men who take frequent selfies display higher than average psychopathic tendencies, while those editing their photos before uploading are more self-objectifying.

Whether the pictures were edited or #NoFilter, both selfie-posting groups were more narcissistic than the average male.

They asked 800 men between the ages of 18 and 40 to respond to a digital survey about social media use and anti-social behavior.

What’s most interesting about the conclusions is the revelation that men actually do self-objectify fairly often, especially in such an image-obsessed culture.

Because self-doubt and constant nitpicking can lead to self-harm , they hopes to gain a better understanding of the way selfies and social media change male behavior.

Blame that front-facing camera all you want, but your personality changes a little with each selfie you snap.

My concern is that Drake of the Morning Mavericks LOVES selfies so someone should probably make him aware of this.

You can read more about the study here.