Mike & The Moonpies and Jody Booth

Events > 2022 > April > Mike & The Moonpies and Jody Booth

About this event:

Created by corlissniethamer

Tonkaway Ranch, 16373 Tonkaway Lake Rd, College Station, TX 77845

If it’s not on your calendar, then it should be!

Saturday, April 30th, the 2nd Annual Tonkaway Charity Clay Classic benefitting Allen Academy & Backing the Badge BCS.

The Clay Shoot at Tonkaway Ranch is from 3:00 until 6:00 PM
Then from 6pm until 11pm enjoy Dinner, Dancing, Auction &
Live Entertainment by Mike and The Moonpies & Jody Booth.

Once again, the 2nd annual Tonkaway Clay Shoot benefits Allen Academy and Backing the Badge BCS. To learn more, purchase tickets or become a sponsor, visit allenramble.org.